
A New Kind of Search Engine

Search engines have become deeply integrated into our daily lives, helping us find information, products, and services online. While Google has dominated the search engine landscape for over two decades, some people are looking for alternatives that offer different approaches to searching the web. One new search offering that aims to differentiate itself is Gemini, built by a small team within Google. Gemini replaces Google's previous conversational AI project, Bard, which was shut down after some inaccurate responses. In this article, we’ll take a look at what Gemini is, how it works, and what capabilities set it apart from traditional search engines.

What is Gemini?

Launched in 2022, Gemini is described as “a conversational AI search that helps you find what you need and discover something new.” It focuses on understanding natural language queries and providing interactive results powered by artificial intelligence. Instead of just giving you a list of blue links to click through, Gemini aims to directly serve up relevant information, engaging multimedia content, and thought-provoking recommendations within its search interface. Importantly, it can also aid with coding problems - helping programmers find solutions as they work on projects.

How Does Gemini Work?

Gemini utilizes large neural networks trained on dialogue data to interpret search queries in fuller context, beyond just keywords. It tries to grasp the underlying intent behind questions to provide more pertinent responses. Its AI models are designed to support multi-turn conversations to clarify what information you’re really seeking.

If you ask a very open-ended question, Gemini may pose clarifying questions back to guide you towards more helpful results. As you provide feedback on the initial results it offers, it continuously refines its understanding of your needs to surface better content. It pays attention to cues within conversations on preferred sources, topics, perspectives and more to filter information.

Key Capabilities

  • Replaces Google's short-lived Bard project

  • Processes questions asked in natural language, not just keywords

  • Asks clarifying questions to better understand intent

  • Can help debug code and find coding solutions

  • Surfaces multimedia results like video, audio and images

  • Provides summarizations to quickly digest key information

  • Identifies key facts, statistics, quotes and definitions for top results

  • Allows refinements to steer towards more relevant content

  • Serves as an aid for research, learning or decision-making

While Gemini is still early in development, its conversational approach aims to lend search engines more “intelligence” tailored to individual interests and contexts. It remains to be seen how broadly its unique approach will appeal to people accustomed to traditional search. But for those seeking a more interactive, conversational way to find information online, Gemini offers some intriguing capabilities not found in old-school search engines.